Choose the plan that works for you

Payment frequency


$25 /year

Get 2 months for free!

Start your free 14-day trial
  • Out Of Offices
    • 1 recurring
    • 3 non-recurring
  • 1 connected mailbox
  • Unlimited reply messages


$65 /year

Get 2 months for free!

Start your free 14-day trial
  • Out Of Offices
    • Unlimited recurring
    • Unlimited non-recurring
  • Unlimited connected mailboxes
  • Unlimited reply messages


Early Access
Start your free 14-day trial
  • Out Of Offices
    • Unlimited recurring
    • Unlimited non-recurring
  • Unlimited connected mailboxes
  • Unlimited reply messages
  • For all your employees
  • Only pay for active users
  • More business-oriented features like SSO
All prices in USD. Payments accepted with credit cards and PayPal. VAT may apply.

Get full access to everything during the trial.

No credit card required and decide later which plan you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You can do this yourself from your account page.

Can I extend my trial?

Sure, do you need more time to eg get your account approved to your employer? Or the trial flew by... :) Just ask!
Can also be extended from within the application.

Can I have an account through my employer?

Yes, for this we have the business plan.
Please contact us through to assist you through the onboarding.

In case you're an employee, contact us as wel if you would like assistance in getting 'Not In Today' unrolled in your organisation. Feel free to already create your account ans start using the service. Your trial will be extended until everything is setup through your employer.

Do I need a credit card to create an account?

No, you can start a trial without payment details. You only need to provide your credit card or PayPal account when creating your subscription.

What happens after my free trial?

You will still be able to login and see your out of offices and messages, but all your recurring out of office schedules will be disabled.

Some limited functionality stays available, you can still use a limited amount of non-recurring out of offices. So your holidays are covered! :)

What if I decide to cancel my subscription?

You will still be able to login and see your out of offices and messages, but all your recurring out of office schedules will be disabled.

Some limited functionality stays available, you can still use a limited amount of non-recurring out of offices. So your holidays are covered! :)

Which payment methods do you support?

You can pay by credit card or PayPal.

Why is this subscription based?

'Not In Today' is a never ending story. From continuously developing new functionality, tweaking existing features to the ongoing maintenance that an online platform implies.

Another reason is that the 'Not In Today' platform has recurring costs as well. From hosting infratructure to other subscribtion based services the platform depends on.

Next to that we also want to be able to provide our users proper and ongoing support.

General questions? See the overview page.

Start configuring your out of office

For all your questions, send us an email: